Odyssey Nature and Garden Club to Food Forest

Spring is certainly in the air and the Nature and Garden club students from Odyssey got to experience it first hand on a recent field trip to Bainbridge Island’s Native Food Forest. Even the gentle rain falling didn’t damper the spirits of this energetic group of learners who came to experience this site in person after studying it in the classroom last month. Each student brought with them a native flower that they had studied and grown in their classroom and they transplanted their seedlings at the Welcome sign.

Heather Burger as teacher

Next time YOU visit the site, be sure to look for these colorful lupine, milkweed and yellow rockets to greet you, a gift from these students! Next, each was given a cupful of native wildflowers seeds as they helped Friends of the Farms increase the variety of wildflowers in our meadows. (Check out the link to the video below to see those seeds fly, covering a large area with the help of our Odyssey gardeners!)

Executive Director, Heather Burger as teacher

The field trip continued with students walking along the edible snacking trail and learning more about locating and identifying key pollinators - bees, bugs, birds, butterflies and bats – though none of the last were present during our afternoon tour! Last, in the shadow of the trees towering in the ravine, students created wildlife creatures on paper, using foraged pinecones, grasses, flowers, sticks, lichen/moss, leaves and more. Such an awesome day for Friends of the Farms to be with these amazing Odyssey students and introduce them to this magical spot to explore and enjoy anytime on their own.

Odyssey school field trip to the Food Forest

Hope you take some time to visit the Native Food Forest yourself, anytime, dawn to dusk – located off Charles Place, NE/NE Lovgreen Road, B.I. and find as much wonder and joy as our Nature and Garden Club students did this day!