Homeschoolers TOUR Winney Farm

Baby Lamb with Penny

On a chilly May afternoon, Farmers Brian and Penny Stahl hosted an educational farm tour for a group of homeschooling families at their historic Winney Farm. As luck would have it, a lamb had been born the night before, so the students and their families were in for a real treat, which included the honor of choosing the little guy’s name, Dandelion.  The children also got to see a rowdy litter of piglets who were as curious about their visitors as the students were about them!

Farmers Brian and Penny gave a first-class, realistic tour of life on the farm, beginning in their fowl processing room, where chickens and turkeys, in season, are made ready for market and daily eggs are washed and packaged. Students got a front row seat to the newest lambs getting ear tags and Farmer Brian even let the homeschoolers pick which number was given to which lamb.

Winney Farm Piglets

Wanting the kids to see all the “behind the scenes” look at life on the farm, Brian and Penny even used the occasion of this tour to band two little lambs, a process important for hygiene and health for each individual and the entire herd. Several students and their parents commented on how they appreciated getting to be involved with what they called “real” farm chores and not just a petting zoo approach to their farm visit.

Next on the tour was a visit with Winney’s Alpaca pair, Cindy Lou and Norma Jean and two horses that have been part of Penny’s life for a long time; 38-year-old Mama, Sunny and 27-year-old son, Blue. Last stop was the Winney Farm Store, where students were excited to see honey, baked goods, produce and meats from animals raised on the farm.

Each went home with a sticker, a physical reminder of the day, but much more, a brain full of new facts, a heart full of love for the new animal friends they made and will continue to visit and a new understanding and appreciation for how much work it takes to grow and raise the food we eat and enjoy!  Thank you Farmer Brian & Penny!